Tuesday, September 28th, 2010
How do you critique reality television when it’s supposed to be about real life and human behaviors? Media critic, Jennifer Pozner, critiques reality television by exposing its lies, analyzing stereotypes and discovering what it all means about society.
Pozner started as a journalist writing about women in the media and women empowerment. When reality television boomed she started critiquing how women were portrayed in reality series. Through her blog, twitter account, articles, lectures and book, Pozner has become a serious reality television critic.
Her blogs, WIMN: Women in Media & News and Reality Bites Back, have witty critiques on specific reality series and her analysis of women on the shows. Her writing is woven with sarcasm, humor and research creating a solid point; reality television is a guilty pleasure that’s degrading women.
In her enlightening lecture, “Project Brainwash: Why Reality TV is Bad for Women (…and Men, People of Color, The Economy, Love, Sex and Sheer Common Sense!),“ Pozner goes beyond critiquing, she analyzes why reality shows put people in stereotypes. She uncovers answers to reality industries secrets, like, who profits from reality shows and why are certain shows created?
If her blogs and lectures aren’t enough, this media critic also has published a book, which hits shelves in November.
“Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth About Guilty Pleasure TV,” exposes reality shows in their raw form by removing all fairytale qualities. Pozner has also had her work published in numerous publications like Newsday and Chicago Tribune. She has offered commentary on CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC News and has been a guest speaker for many events. She has won a few awards and was even named one of “20 Inspiring Women to Follow on Twitter”.
Pozner may have started out as a feminist journalist but her critiques and thorough investigation of reality television have made her someone to listen to. She has immersed herself into the reality television world, seeking the truth behind it and she won’t stop. Her fan base is growing causing her to be a powerful critic and an enemy to reality television.
Listen to Pozner yourself and watch her interview with The Today Show, for “What Women Want to Watch on TV,” to hear her talk about women on reality television and other issues.
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Tuesday, September 21st, 2010
When you think of Mark Hoppus, I’m not sure “serious critic” would be the first thing that comes to mind. But over the past five years, since Blink-182 went on an “indefinite hiatus” (now over), Hoppus has proven to pop punk fans that he can be taken seriously as a critic.
I’m not sure that his intention was ever to become a serious critic, but between his blog, twitter account and brand new television talk show, Hoppus has several outlets through which he can share his every opinion about what’s going on in the pop punk scene. And he does just that.
The first thing to check out is his personal blog, HiMyNameisMark. His posts here are generally about new artists in the genre, his personal projects and links to videos he thinks his pop punk audience will appreciate. The focus though is on genuine criticism of what’s good and what’s bad in pop punk right now.
Hoppus also wrote a series of articles for SPIN.com, called “Hopp on Pop”. These weekly articles profiled new artists, and ran for about four months. A great article about the “Hopp on Pop” series can be found here.
For almost 20 years Hoppus has remained very active and immersed in the pop punk community, and has played many roles- musician, producer, talk show host and critic. His insider knowledge and personal experience give him a unique position within the community, and when he talks, people listen. I think the general pop punk audience appreciates hearing his opinions and takes him seriously as a powerful critic.
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Wednesday, September 15th, 2010
When I’m looking for reviews on new and up-and-coming music, I head straight to Daytrotter, an online music publication that focuses on Indie artists and bands. One Daytrotter critic, Sean Moeller, truly knows how to keep an audience entertained. With unusual and witty remarks, Moeller’s critique’s are anything but boring. Whether one is interested in the artist or band being reviewed or not, one will certainly be amused.
Moeller’s differs from many other music critics because he knows how to charmingly paint a picture of how the music should make the listener feel. While reviewing Portugal The Man, Moeller says, “It’s music that lets the sun break into the proceedings and you feel as if you’ve assumed a seat in a levitation machine that’s pumping pure oxygen into your lungs, giving you some kind of a buzz that you don’t usually get.”
Moeller’s creativity is apparent. I like how his descriptions show readers a different perspective on an artist or band, and it’s nice to see how he treats every artist and band he reviews with respect and admiration. But, the main reason why I enjoy Moeller’s reviews is because he is an excellent storyteller. I mean, who doesn’t like a good story?
So check out Moeller’s reviews here!
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Wednesday, September 15th, 2010
“Hello Darlings,” is a popular phrase you can totally connect to Steven Cojocaru. Cojocaru is probably one of my favorite fashion critics out right now. This 45-year-old fashionista has appeared in all sorts of media forms: E!, Access Hollywood, American Idol, The Daily Show, Entertainment Tonight, and many more. He currently works for People magazine as a celebrity style critic. Cojo, as many fashionistas like to call him, has a strong sense and knowledge of the high-fashion world; he certainly uses it to either tear celebrities’ styles apart or acknowledge a mild sense of fashion in some celebs.
With his cut-throat criticism, Cojo has certainly made a name for himself. I recall Cojo calling Kristen Stewart “a boy” once on the red carpet. Many celebs have felt offended by his remarks; others call him the “Cruella De Vil” of the fashion world. I totally respect this aspect of criticism because many people do not have the guts to be so ruthless. His own style is very trendsetter-y. Cojo has long golden blond hair, definitely wears make-up and dresses very metro yet high-fashion. Look out for Cojo very own section in People magazine.
Also, visit his ultimate website for recent fashion criticism and bashing of celebrities and their style. http://www.cojostyle.com/
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