Feature Blog

Written on December 1, 2010 – 7:06 pm | by chrisstjacques

Back in January, LA Weekly did a feature on BJ Winslow who provides horror props for movies and tv. The feature was reported by the reporter, Gendy Alimurung, and it was done by going to Winslow’s shop and talking to him, his assistant Tristen and a customer that happens to be in the store.

The reporting is a mixture of observations about things that happened when the reporter was in the store and what the reporter overheard. The store is called The Dapper Cadaver. The research the reporter did, was to find out what movies has purchased/rented items from Winslows shop and that was probably about it. The rest came from interviewing Winslow.

I thought the reporter asked all the right questions. I learned where Winslow was from, a little about his home life, what the shop looks like, what he does. I was given in insight to his personality and to the kind of place that he runs. The article even includes prices for renting some of the item and some “horror” stories about him trying to aquire certain items.

The article opens with a snappy lead “When you absolutely, positively need that dead baby overnight, BJ Winslow is the man to see.”

The next paragraph goes on to describe Winslow. Then the article talked about the shop, has quote from Winslow about his business and what he does. Then goes on to tell about what shows/movies he has provided props for. Next it talks more about Winslow and where he is from and that he grew up next to a cemetary.Then more quotes and observations about the store and about the business. Then some stories about Winslow trying to aquire weird items for people in the movie biz. Funny stories and then it ends with a weird story about a customer who wanted a real human brain and Winslow trying to get one before being told that it “wasn’t going to happen.” Which was the kicker.

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