If Other Directors Made the Social Network
Written on November 17, 2010 – 7:37 pm | by Rob Bock
Collegehumor recently posted a video called “If other directors made the social network.” It envisions popular film The Social Network as directed by famous directors like Wes Anderson, Michael Bay, and Quentin Tarantino. What makes this video funny is the observations made about the different directors. Check it out here.
3 Responses to “If Other Directors Made the Social Network”
Collegehumor does a great job at poking fun at what is so obvious in real life. It reminds me of the work that The Onion does with creating different news stories.
I totally agree- CollegeHumor has become the college kids version of The Onion.
Yeah, in the last year or so they’ve really stepped up their game. I loved their Back to the Future parody.