Bloody Disgusting – Horror Website Review
Written on October 27, 2010 – 6:15 pm | by chrisstjacques
Horror fans probably already know about and go there for all the horror minutia that one could possibly handle. What the site does well is present things that horror fans love. From obscure indy flicks to much anticipated horror friendly shows (I’m looking at you AMC’s “Walking Dead”) to big budget studio horror releases, has something for every fan.
In fact, near the top of the site, there have all their “breaking news” divided up into four sections: movies, games, music and comics. So, if you are just into horror games and comics, you don’t have to mess around with all the dreck about movies or music. Handy, right?
The site not only has “the info” about upcoming projects, but it also has tons of reviews of both old and new horror flicks. A sidebar boasts 1,428 reviews of movies, games and shows as well as 527 interviews with those involved with the horror industry.
And what horror website would be complete with out a forums section. Here fans race out to go see a new movie and then race home to write very thoughtful reviews such as “fail”, “FTW” and “I liked the original better. Why does Hollywood insist on raping my youth?”
My favorite section is called “The Movie Pit” which nothing more than the posters of the latest horror films/shows with a rating system (The system? Skulls – the best a movie can get is 5 skulls). Then you can click on the posters for more in depth reviews.
The first thing I think that Bloody Disgusting needs to work on is the site itself. Like a scene from an Eli Roth movie, it is a bit of a mess. Ads are popping up left and right and there is too much going on. In fact, it always takes forever (at least for me) for the site itself to load.
The second thing I would like the site to do is scale some of its articles back, a bit. Nobody needs “70 Hi-Res photos from the set of ‘Walking Dead’.” Nobody. Do some editing and cut it down to the best photos and tell me a little bit about it or why one might gather from the pictures. Don’t just post them as a grab bag.
The third thing I think they should do is have more writers for the site that don’t get excited about everything. I know Bloody Disgusting is written by fan boys for fan boys, but I would like to find a place that talked more about what some horror films mean in a bigger context. That seems to be lacking from the site.
Otherwise, Bloody Disgusting is a great place to go if you want to see the Red Band trailer for “Lake Placid 3.”
One Response to “Bloody Disgusting – Horror Website Review”
I’d like to hear a few more pitches from you — your advice for the site is good, but remember you’re also pitching. Also, what kind of music do they cover? Careful of typos (“with out”). 8/10