DiCaprio soon to be Gatsby?
Written on October 3, 2010 – 6:56 pm | by monda
Fans of F. Scott Fitzgerald “The Great Gatsby” can have a sigh of relief if they cast Leonardo DiCaprio as Jay Gatsby. His strong and dramatic acting skills will surly capture the mysterious nature of Jay Gatsby. Check out this link to the story.
Tags: Leonardo DiCaprio, movies
6 Responses to “DiCaprio soon to be Gatsby?”
While I love Leo for his believability on screen and for his commitment to his characters, I would rather see Toby play Gatsby. Even with the Spiderman role, Maguire still has such an innocence about him. Either way, I am really looking forward to this.
I dunno — doesn’t Gatsby need to be someone you’d actually want to hang out with? Leo doesn’t give off that vibe.
I gotta go the other way on this one, I really like Leo as Gatsby. Not dark Boston Leo or weird accent “Blood Diamonds” Leo, but “Catch Me if you Can” Leo? I’m in. He can be charismatic and is probably one of the few people who can get away with calling somebody “Old Sport” through most of a film and make it sound believable.
I’m not as worried about Leo as Gatsby as I am for Baz Luhrmann directing the film. The Great Gatsby is an American classic and they gave it to the guy who directed Moulin Rouge and Australia?
They couldn’t have gotten Martin Scorsese like in Entourage when they had Vince Chase as Gatsby with Scorsese directing it. I’d rather see that movie than whatever Luhrmann comes up with.
I’m convinced that DiCaprio could do act in a garbage bag – and look sexy doing it. If he’s playing Gatsby, chances are it’ll be a box office hit, so why not. I’d definitely shell out ten bucks to see it!