Deerhunter–Halcyon Digest
Written on September 29, 2010 – 7:01 pm | by britnipetersen
Deerhunter just realeased their newest album, “Halcyon Digest.” It’s surprisingly different from the bands past albums, but the change is praiseworthy. The album is more reflective rather than aggressive, and it shows Deerhunter’s maturity. Two of the tracks worth listening to are “Desire Lines,” and “Hellicopter.”
Tags: Album, Deerhunter, Music
4 Responses to “Deerhunter–Halcyon Digest”
Deer Hunter has some interesting music, I got to say. It’s very experimental stuff and easy to get into. You every listen to the song, “Red Ink?”
Deer Hunter has some interesting music, I got to say. It’s very experimental stuff and easy to get into. You ever listen to the song, “Red Ink?”
I saw deerhunter with Circa Survive about a month ago and then listened to some of their new album. It was hard to tell it was the same band. It still sounds good though.
Give us a link! We need some way to listen to this. Also, “Helicopter”? 2/4