“Love and Other Drugs”
Written on September 28, 2010 – 9:56 am | by coliver5
Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal are back together as an on-screen couple. We saw them co-star in “Brokeback Mountain” in 2005, now they are back together in a comedy flick: “Love and Other Drugs.” The movie is said to be out in theaters this November. Watch the trailer here.
Tags: Anne Hathaway, Brokeback Mountain, Jake Gyllenhaal, Love and other drugs, movies
12 Responses to ““Love and Other Drugs””
I love Anne Hathaway and I was so excited for this movie just be reading your little blog post. Then…I watched the trailer. Why does every chick flick trailer have to show you the WHOLE entire movie. Boy meets girl, falls in love with girl, girl leaves him, he chases her down, they live happily together.
Now I’ll just wait till it goes to Redbox.
Hathaway and Gyllenhaal are such a cute combo. Admittedly, I have somehow stayed away from Brokeback Mountain, so this would be my first experience seeing the two of the pair up.
I thought the same thing watching the trailer. They just showed us the entire movie, (though I am pretty sure I could have guessed it anyway).
I will definitely be watching this on the small screen, and most likely sans husband. Us married women have to get our chick-flick fix on our own time.
I have to agree with Gabriella. The trailors ruin it for me! But I definitely want to check this out. I’m a HUGE A.Hathaway fan <3
This movie is probably not #1 on my list, but hey, I am sure it is going to do well in the box office and make some money.
I am SO excited for this movie to start! I love both of them! And I think when it is a chick flick everybody already knows the plot but that doesn’t stop chick-flick lovers from watching it!
Before watching the trailer I was going to completely bag this movie but it looks cute. Yes, it is like every other chick-flick, but that goes without saying with anything in that genre. Can’t say I will want to catch it in theaters unless someone else is paying, but I definitely wouldn’t mind a boot leg copy or netflix.
Yeah, I’m probably gonna be seeing this movie too. Anne Hathaway could advertise a $1,000 paper plate and I’d buy it.
I want to see this too, I just hope that Anne Hathaway doesn’t get her heart broken in it the way she did in “Brokeback Mountain.” I mean, she is super cute, but I think I’d have to choose rugged Heath Ledger over her. But I guess he is no longer an obstacle to their love. Go for it Anne!
I’m excited to see this! Anne Hathaway is great- it’ll be nice to see her in such a different role.
Very excited to see this. Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal are both great actors. I just hope it doesn’t end up being disappointing like most romantic comedies tend to be.
I have been wanting to see this for a while now! I love Gyllenhaal, so any movie of his I am sure to enjoy.
I *guess* they were an onscreen couple in “Brokeback,” but seriously, not really. 4/4