Intimately NOT Yours?
Written on September 27, 2010 – 8:05 pm | by capriciaalston
David and Victoria Beckham’s new scent Intimately Yours is big talk this week over the internet, not for its release, but instead after David is accused of cheating AGAIN! This is the newest scent in the couple’s successful fragrance line and is available for him and her, although “her” might ponder going elsewhere if allegations are true. Looks like this time around David is not going down without a fight.
Tags: Advertising, Celebrities, Cheating, Galaxy Soccer, Perfume
5 Responses to “Intimately NOT Yours?”
I think these stories are so sad about celebrities who cheat on their spouses. What bothers me most about these stories is that the Beckham’s have children. These poor children who have to deal with their parents being popular celebrities and now have hear rumors about their parents infidelity, it is just not right.
Sad to say I’m not suprised; cheating seems to be the norm for celebrities these days. Check out this South Park episode for further validation:
I love David Beckham, and apparently he has proof he didn’t cheat. English players cheating is almost starting to turn into a joke. Anyway, I don’t usually buy things because of who endorses them, but I would consider making an exception for David.
Apparently he’s suing the woman that is claiming he had an affair for 11 million pounds or something close to that, and plans to donate all the money to charity. I have a feeling he wouldn’t take it that far if he actually cheated.
Oh, sweet gossip. 4/4