Botox, Boobs & Brides
Written on September 21, 2010 – 8:42 pm | by Gabriella
Every bride wants to look her best on her wedding day, but how far will brides go to reach perfection? “Bridalplasty“, a new series by E!, will feature brides-to-be competing against one another to win an extreme plastic surgery makeover before their wedding day.
After all, every brides dream is to look like Barbie!
What do you think this reality show says about our society and our ethics?
Tags: brides, E!, makeovers, perfection, plastic surgery, reality T.V
10 Responses to “Botox, Boobs & Brides”
Wow, that’s intense. I never watched “Dr. 90210” but I feel like it was probably pretty similar to this. Or that reality show “The Swan” that was on Fox a few years back. It was tragic! Check out
How sad is this!? Here these women are, about to get married, presumably to someone who loves them unconditionally (or at least I’d like to hope so- call me a hopeless romantic!), and they are going to completely alter themselves!?
That poor groom, standing at the end of the aisle, awaiting his beloved, and around the corner comes a complete stranger! I am sure the soon-to-be hubby has a say in it before hand, but WHY!?!
Such filth! What time does it air again?! 😉
I for one am against this, but mostly because I think it is just a waste. I mean, seriously, a girl is never going to look any better than she does on her wedding day. She spends 8 months picking out a dress, goes to “test” hair appointments before her real hair appointment. He makeup is usually professionally done. She is going to look as good as she is able to look. So why waste the shows money on plastic surgery then. She already HAS the man.
I want to pitch a show were after 10-15 years of marriage the wife gets some plastic surgery to stave off the impending divorce.
I have always been against plastic surgery, especially if it is for vanity or like in hollywood, for the publicity. It has become an obsession to be stick thin and have a perfect “barbie” figure. This is sending out completely negative messages to everyone, and actually creating a society where the focus is on looks and physical attraction. This is just wrong and I completely disagree with having to alter your body just to have a “perfect” day. Besides, if barbie were to be human, the dimensions would be completely disproportionate.
I think if these girls want to get plastic surgery that is there choice, as long as they way the options and potential ramifications. However, i think it is deplorable for E! to capitalize on these girls’ insecurities.
I find this extremely disturbing – these bridal shows such as “Bridezilla” and “Platnum Weddings” show how commercialism and vanity has overshadowed what is supposed to be a loving exchange between two people.
I agree, this is completely sad. I can’t find a link, but did anybody see that anti-aging cream commerical where the woman says: “This year, I might actually be able to celebrate my birthday”?
It’s sad that in America, women are made to feel inferior if they aren’t wrinkle-free, skinny and look like a model.
This is so sad. I can’t believe the network is actually promoting something like this. We already are a beauty obsessed society, and we don’t need any more shows that cause women to have poor self esteem issues.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Just another reality show exploiting the crazy people in the world. I’m embarrassed for these women.