Ad Critic
Written on September 8, 2010 – 5:18 pm | by capriciaalston
It was difficult for me to find a prominent critic in advertising, especially without choosing a specific category of advertising. There are several types of critics, and my search was too broad so I took a little different of an approach.
I searched for a site instead that informed as well as critiqued advertising as well as television and music videos. The 2 sites I found are, and is extremely informative as well as up-to-date. It actually had the Cee-lo music video on there which happens to be banned or at least requiring a password on several other sites. It also provides a lot of sarcasm which I enjoy because many of the ads presented are ridiculous. is actually a specific person, asanchez39, who I believe has great insight on a lot of ads. This is still just a site and not only just a specific author but he/she critiques on commercials, articles, you name it. I love reading the honest truth about ads though whether sarcastic or just purely harsh, and this is exactly what asanchez39 provides.
2 Responses to “Ad Critic”
Use the link function to create hyperlinks we don’t need to cut and paste. Seth Stevenson reviews advertising at Slate; so do critics at AdAge and other ad-related magazines. nice catch with advertisingcritic. 8/10.
Also, use tags on your blog posts. See other posts for examples.