Ladies, don’t you wish you had a thousand bucks?!
Written on September 3, 2010 – 8:22 pm | by sweettea
Platforms are so in right now. Amber Rose was the inspiration behind these bad ass boots. Give a round of applause to Giuseppe Zanotti for making women edgier than ever for 2010.
Tags: Amber Rose, Fashion, platforms, shoes
14 Responses to “Ladies, don’t you wish you had a thousand bucks?!”
I often think, ‘I wish I had a thousand bucks!’ Though I cannot say I would lay it all down for the Giuseppe Zanotti platform wedge boots, I can say that these footwear bombshells are quite impressive. I can only imagine how much power a woman must feel while wearing them! I think I would be tempted to catwalk everywhere I went. Check out these Steve Madden peep-toe boots too: Love these!
Thanks for sharing!
All I can say is “Wow!”. The boots are nice, I must admit. However, nice does not do it for me when I see the thousand dollar price tag. The shoes have to be covered with diamonds if I am spending in the thousands! But maybe it’s just because I am not a fashionista myself and have no sense of designer shoe brands. I just buy what looks good on me and feels comfortable. And most of all, I buy something that is less than a thousand dollars!
Those are great! They remind me of Alexander McQueen’s “Armadillo” shoes Lady Gaga wore in the “Bad Romance” video. In case you missed them:
I want to know what makes those platform wedge boots worth one thousand dollars? I say, “Save your money ladies.” You will be better off with a pair of Rainbows and a pedicure.
It would be a lie if I were to say I have never spent a ridiculous amount of money on a pair of shoes and wore them only a few times. However to spend a thousand dollars on something like those shoes makes me think about what the thousand dollars could have been spent on. I never really thought about where my clothes or shoes come from until I saw a segment on the Today Show about Tom’s shoes. The movement that they are trying to create is worth donating a thousand dollars to so check this out…
It is true platforms are becoming more popular, but personally not really my type of shoe. If I actually had the million dollars the boots are worth I probably would spend it elsewhere. I am not saying the boots are ugly, they are awesome but not something I would spend all that money on. 😉
I love wearing heels and have definitely spent a lot of money on my shoe collection, but I don’t think I could get into the heelless platforms! They scare me. Like someone else said above, they remind me a lot of the ones Lady Gaga wore. I kind of want to try on a pair just to see what walking in them feels like!
They scream LADY GAGA. They are giving women a sense of empowerment! They are defiantly over priced but I think they are a great example of where the future of fashion is headed- bold, futuristic and chic. I love these!
Those are great! I was browsing the Urban Outfitters online catalog recently and noticed that they now have a large selection of cute platform boots at affordable prices. The Dolce Vita boots remind me of the boots you mentioned. Check them out!
Very hot shoes, I can’t wait to see the knockoffs produced this fall! However, how practical are these shoes are for the every day women? Platforms seemed to have made their comeback last fall, and each season I’ve noticed the height is getting higher and higher. I’ve also noticed friends and random women wobbling down the street on these stilt like shoes, trying to balance themselves from toppling over.
Makes me wonder…with the height of platforms increasing does that mean the number of ankle injuries in women will increase as well?
Thanks to a fear of hurting my feet for soccer or track, I generally stem away from anything with a heel more than an inch… and that may be pushing it… But really in all seriousness, even if I was more into wearing heels, no way am I EVER putting something like that on my feet. Call me crazy, but those heels look just plain tacky.
If I had a thousand dollars I can promise that not a cent would be spent on those boots. I love heels even though I am already tall, but I find those specific boots hideous. Because I am tall already I have to be extremely picky in what shoes are cute enough for me to not mind towering over a guy. In this case, these heels would be easily counted out! Similarly to Kimmy I would be a little nervous about twisting an ankle for soccer, and if that ever happens, I would make sure that the specific heel was worth a broken ankle. This one is NOT!
Good interstitial. Try including a photo! “Bad-ass” should be hyphenated. 4/4.
Okay, I have to admit that the boots are cool. Sort of a catwalk-on-the-moon look. BUT (and this is a big but)I would never spend $1,000 on a pair of shoes. Sorry, but it’s just not realistic for normal people.