Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
So logically, it would make sense for talented actors and actresses to make more money than their reality show counterparts; however, this does not seem to be the case. In a story about TV’s top earners, Lacey Rose of the Yahoo TV blog discusses who makes the most – and why it has nothing to do with talent.

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Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

A video clip from the JJ Abrams directed, Steven Spielberg produced movie “Super 8” has been released online showing a “behind the scenes”-type look at their new alien-horror flick. It’s basically just a bunch of army guys and jeeps motoring down the street. Exciting right? Not really. Maybe JJ is losing his viral marketing touch. Bloody Disgusting has the footage, check it out.
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Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
Dressing, acting and wearing your hair like the cast of Jersey Shore is never acceptable in public, but on Halloween anything goes! Guido wigs, tanning till your orange and these Jersey Shore cast costumes will help you look the part.

To perfect your guido character practice your Jersey Shore accent, get really drunk and fist pump all night long!
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Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
After denying it for years, Bush frontman Gavin Rossdale has admitted to celebrity gossip rag OK! Magazine that he had a relationship with male popstar Marilyn when he was 17.
As long as he stops putting out sappy solo tracks like this, I don’t really care about his personal life, but what do you think his wife — No Doubt pop punk princess Gwen Stefani — thinks about all this?
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Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
“He’s climbing in your bedroom snatching your people up. . ”
– Antoine Dodson “Bed Intruder”
This summer the misfortune of Kelly Dodson became a viral hit on You Tube. What started as a news story about the attempted rape of Kelly was turned in to an Auto-tuned rap song. This incident, tragic as it is, has become one of the most hilarious songs out there. Leaves one to wonder, will the alleged Bed Intruder come seeking royalties for being the inspiration of the song?
CLICK HERE to see Antoine Dodson perform “Bed Intruder” live at the BET Awards.
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Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Bring Me The Horizon on AP, the website for the underground music magazine “Alternative Press,” is a great place for news about different types of music, including metal. They have everything from simple tweets and updates toalbum reviews to in-depth features on bands from many genres.
Their top stories list features short news clips, sometimes user submitted, about upcoming album releases, tour dates, band breakups and new streaming songs. This is especially convenient for someone who is in a bit of a hurry but wants to stay in the know about what is going on in the music scene.
The features tab leads to different articles including track-by-track album reviews with band members, standard band features and other interesting pieces including a fantasy band draft. The reviews tab lists the most current albums the website has reviews, gives a one to five star rating and links to the full review on another page.
A strength of this website is the ability is has to focus on underground music specifically. People can go other places to read about music, but bands that most people have never heard of before would be difficult to keep up on if this magazine didn’t exist.
At the same time, this is a weakness as far as the heavy music genre is concerned. Some big guy with a sleeveless t-shirt and black hair down to the middle of his back doesn’t want to hear about bands like Hellogoodbye or The Gay Blades. Because they cover a wide range of underground music, people that specifically like certain genres have to sort through everything to find what they think is important.
One idea to pitch to this website would be to interview different bands and find out what their dream tour would be. Basically, if you could tour with any other two or three bands, who would they be? This would be a great way to getting around asking them boring questions like “who are your biggest influences?” and it would spark the imagination of bands and readers alike.
Another idea could be for back to school time. Something along the lines of (band) + (band) = (band). We could do either whole bands or single members and come up with stuff like New Found Glory + The Devil Wears Prada = A Day To Remember. This would be a good way for readers to find bands they like through others they already know as well as getting kids to love simple math!
One last idea could be following the upcoming AP tour around with a video camera and doing a video blog with weekly updates. Fans love the behind the scenes side of things whenever they can get it, plus it would promote the magazines tour.
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Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
If you are looking for reliable and recent fashion news, The Cut is the place to soak up that knowledge. The blog originated from the very popular New York magazine in 2009, which has now become an online enterprise. New York magazine has a variety of online blogs, such as Restaurant reviews and an Entertainment section, and of course, a fashion goldmine called The Cut. While the Fashion tab on the New York magazine website is pretty informative and current, The Cut is a more chill and friendly site, a super popular spot for fashion bloggers.
Although the site is fashion oriented, not everything is about telling you what sweaters to wear this winter and how to style yourself. One of the strong features that The Cut offers is the variety of news coverage in the fashion industry; anything from new and upcoming men’s fashion lines to “The Look of The Day” to celebrity gossip such as OMG Rachel Zoe is prego! The Cut also lets its readers be heard. Under every story post, a comment box is available; readers may express their opinions and agree to disagree.
The Cut always provides readers with the most current fashion ideas and trends. However, I’d love to see a variety of high fashion and street wear. It would be interesting to feature posts on regular people (not celebs) with brilliant fashion taste. Or people could send in their own pictures and talk about where they shop and who their fashion icons are. Speaking of fashion icons, it would be interesting to see The Cut do a feature on Fashion Icons per decade. For example, they could feature Audrey Hepburn in the 50s, Jackie Kennedy in the early 60s ,and maybe Amber Rose as an upcoming icon today. Another interesting thing would be to have weekly reviews on Who What Wear; this would be basically critiquing who wore what during the week, and stating whether it was a success or if the fashion police had to be called.
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Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
Marvel Comics’s premiere superhero team, The Avengers, is headed to Disney XD next week as an ongoing cartoon series.
For the past month, Marvel Comics has been showing five-minute micro-episodes on their website which have been replaying on Disney XD all week.
The show premieres next Wednesday at 8:30 PM with an hour-long episode.
Marvel has also announced a four-issue miniseries to complement the television show, which is set to be in stores in November.
I assume all this has been done to build excitement for the coming Avengers movie in 2012. Well, that’s a job well-done.
On a personal note, I won an eBay auction last week to have lunch with the Editor-in-Chief of Marvel Comics, Joe Quesada, at the New York Comic Con on Friday. Here’s a picture of us the Marvel booth at the convention. Can you say “nerdgasm”?
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Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
… and we didn’t know it.
“Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters” (2010) was released on October 12, and is a compilation of Monroe’s writings. Most known for being a sex symbol in the 1950’s, Marilyn reveals a much deeper side to her talents through the nearly 250 pages of “Fragments.”
There are enough Marilyn admirers out there that would buy this collection. It may not reach the New York Times Best Sellers List, but I see it doing fairly well. Plus, it’s kind of a neat way to keep her legacy alive (though how could we ever forget).
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Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
Semi-local band All Time Low (from Baltimore) is a week away from going back on the road, headlining a national tour. The entire first week of shows is already sold out, but if you can you should check out their show in Towson, Md. on October 23rd. They are sure to be at their best playing to their hometown crowd!
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