E-Reader Wars: Nook Color Takes on the Kindle

Written on November 28, 2010 – 6:13 pm | by Aisha Jamil

Feature Response

Last week, writer Harry McCracken explored the world of e-readers and compared and contrasted the Nook versus the Kindle in a Time Magazine piece. With Barnes and Nobles releasing its new Nook Color, Amazon’s Kindle is soon to be left behind. McCracken reports on this feature by using visual details that describes the Nook. He starts off the story by placing Amazon and Barnes and Nobles as competitors in a race. He separates the Nook Color by describing its fancy, yet easy-to-use features unlike the Kindle’s. He then delves into the basic details such as pricing and background of the story of e-reader wars between the two companies. He quotes the company’s websites as well as the company’s CEOs who describe their product as the best one of its kind, obviously. McCracken then takes the comparisons little by little – each paragraph focusing on one detail such as screens, lighting and the variety each e-reader offers. The reader can see that McCracken is advocating for the Nook Color yet by also pointing out its fallacies, he sustains a little objectivity. McCracken doesn’t do much interviewing than he does researching. He researched both e-readers plus the iPad as well as used these items in person. The article takes a personal tone when McCracken is comparing. As a reporter, I wish that McCracken had interviewed more people as well as taken a survey of how many users prefer using the Kindle versus the Nook Color.

For the full article, go to: http://www.time.com/time/printout/0,8816,2032751,00.html.

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